Category: News

April 7, 2022


It’s the first thing you do to your computer when it’s not working correctly. 

Well, not only is my computer not working, nothing else is either. Because once the computer goes down, everything tumbles into a sandworm’s pit of void. 

So… I’m restarting. We’ll see what comes out on the other side.


The Ravenwood Hills books will be removed from Kindle Unlimited in May and will be made available wide sometime in June, 2022. As to when books 3 & 4 will be published, that will depend on time and miracles. 

August 1, 2021

Revamping and Rethinking

Letting readers in on a new move…

Been doing a lot of research these past few weeks, especially since releasing the new series. Looking at numbers, sales, and comments. And looking at the market, especially for this genre of book. And truthfully, the majority of these books are moving nicely in Kindle Unlimited. 

Book sales are tough these days. Being wide is no picnic, and even though KDP has screwed me out of royalties before, I am going to take a chance and move the Women’s Paranormal Fiction books into Kindle Unlimited. I have 2 more books coming in the present series, Ravenwood Hills, and at least 4 books (crosses fingers) in the upcoming Women’s Paranormal Fiction series, The Sword Keepers. I will also be releasing an epic Fantasy duo-logy, into Kindle Unlimited as well. 

I am also enrolled in Kindle Unlimited because I can be a voracious reader myself, and 9.99 a month for access to as many books as I can read in that month, vs $2.99 to $4.99 per book—especially in these trying financial times—seemed like a bargain to me. 

But I will not be moving long established series out of being wide (meaning these books will still be available outside of Amazon). Eldritch Files, Discord and Rhyme, Castle Falls and Cast In Shadow will remain as they are, and hopefully, the Great Electron willing, new books in these series will be coming, if not in 2021, but in 2022. 

I’m still juggling a day job and writing, and learning to be grateful for every day. 

June 26, 2021

Shout Out!

I put in a note at the end of Solstice Whispers to send me any typos or mistakes that were made in the book, and I must say, the emails have been fantastic! The one that sticks out most is one from Elizabeth Youngs. I am amazed at her level of detail, much better than the editor I used. 

I just wanted to let everyone know I greatly appreciate your comments to me and your help. I won’t be using the pre-order again for a while because I realized I need more time on a book, including that last pass after I mess up what the editor did. I do that all the time. 

I might even put together a small beta team just for that. Not anything stressful, just free copies of the book I’m working on and a chance to send me your comments and corrections. LOL. I’ll keep this website more updated going forward. But with two jobs…life gets a little crazy. 

I am actively updating the file for Kindle and putting in corrections. I’m giving it a little time to make sure it’s better before I upload again. If you have updates active on your kindle, you would be able to download the corrected file. I’ll announce it here when it’s done! 

Again, thank you so much! Readers are the best! 

Merry Meet!