Category: Writer Mom

November 1, 2016

Chimes At Midnight is HERE!

Been too long coming. But it’s here. The final book in the Grimoire Chronicles. Chronologically, this book comes in before Elemental Arcane. Chimes shows the start of the romance between Crwys and Samantha. And yes, they are among the broad cast inside this book. I hope everyone enjoys. 

Elemental Tears is next, book 8 in The Eldritch Files. Look for a cover reveal soon!


September 9, 2016


Yes. She liiiiiives! And she’s been busy refilling that garden. Well, sort of OVER filling it. Getting ready for a much anticipated game’s release (FINAL FANTASY 15), so I’ve been gaming Final Fantasy 14 a LOT. For any readers who play, I’m on Balmung (cause you know, there’s Role Play there!) and I’m a White Mage. Not a very high level cause…I write more than I play. But, it’s my game of choice. 

So, for the update. Elemental Blood is released and the print book will be ready when the rest of them are ready. All 7 will be available at the same time (with books 1-3 revisions). At present, I am working on Chimes (after taking a two month detour on another book, which is now tabled till later). I tried that whole working on two books at the same time thing. 

That is not for me. I have to write one book at a time. 

So Chimes At Midnight is on the block and underway!! After getting a full revamp. Part of my process is below. Gives me a chance to see the whole book at once and rearrange things. I caught a few snags like this! Look forward to a few cover reveals this month!

June 17, 2016

Apologies and a new book!

Yes. I know. That took a lot longer than I expected. And I apologize to all readers. There shouldn’t be that kind of delay again as all contracts have been fulfilled and I’m back into production. Newsletter will go out this afternoon announcing Elemental Blood’s release. And next up will be Chimes At Midnight and a novella for Levi Tulose for subscribers – a thank you for your patience. 

And I’ve answered as many comments as I could this morning before I begin catching up on housework! Yay…the glamorous life of a writer. 

The book is now available on the following platforms. If it’s not clickable, hopefully it will be soon. I’ll update when they are!