Category: Writer Mom

July 22, 2015


Here it is, the cover for Book 6 in the Eldritch files, ELEMENTAL STORM! (The newsletter got to see it first!) I never thought I’d come this far so quickly with this series. And I am truly thankful for the readers and supporters of Sam, Ivan, and Kyle. 

But with this reveal comes a delay as well. And as before with Elemental Soul’s delay, the reasons are strictly mine and not due to anything else. With the addition of MAGICIAN’S GAME, set to release on preorder August 13th, as well as a Shadowrun novel due the beginning of August, it became painfully clear that delivering a finished, edited version of CHIMES AT MIDNIGHT wasn’t going to happen for July. I can do 12K words a day for just so many days before my head explodes and I get a blister on my wrist. 

No joke. A real owy blister. 

I wiped my white board clean and started over with scheduling, moving the things I had control over. I can’t change the release of MAGICIAN’S GAME because Amazon penalizes you if you change a pre-order release date. The contracted SR book has to get to the editor ASAP (though I’d love to see a cover, John!) because…well…CONTRACT.  

I have an upcoming vacation with my real life Kyle Kendrick that I can’t miss. The two of us in New Orleans is gonna be fun \O/ and I have a daughter starting High School next month. That…just makes me blink when I type that. A kid in high school…wow. 


July 7, 2015

Cardiac MRI

I’m not sure how I feel about today’s adventure. I arrived for the MRI at 11:30 am got home around 4:00 ish. That should tell you how long I was at the hospital. When I had the heart cath, I was told it would be the easiest procedure I’d ever have done in a hospital. 

I’m starting to believe them. 

When I got there, I had no idea I’d be getting an IV. I didn’t know the stuff they were gonna pump in would be ice-cold. And I didn’t know it’s an interactive procedure, which means an eternity in a tube, strapped to a table with warm things stuck to my chest with headphones and having to hold my breath for varying seconds on the out-breath as the technician tells me. It’s one thing to hold your breath with a lung full of air. EXPELL the air and then hold it. 

Vury different. Oy! 

When I got home I had every intention of getting back to work. Nope. I sat on the couch, turned on the TV and promptly went to sleep. Slept for over five hours. Got up, ate and then went back to sleep for another seven hours. 

Now I’m sure I know how I feel… A Cardiac MRI is now on my Top 10 Things I Don’t Want To Do Again.  >.< 

July 5, 2015

Changing Up The Newsletter

It’s time to update the free stuff on the newsletter. I like offering Grimoire as a freebie, but I think giving readers a more pertinent offering for them when they join is better. 


When this website goes back up, the newsletter will no longer offer GRIMOIRE, the origin story, but CHIMERA, a pre-Chronicles and Eldritch story on how Samantha and Grey hooked up. I’m working on it this week and getting it ready for the editor to run through it. I’m also very much aware no one can see this post yet since the site’s not live. But I want to have a few blog posts in the can when it does. 

Once I have a cover of CHIMERA, then I’ll post it up here. Also, when the switch happens, I’ll give newsletter members a link to download it on their own for a limited time. And if you don’t get the newsletter, as in you subscribed but that link didn’t come to you, re-subscribe again. If you get a warning that your address is already there, you won’t be subscribed twice. But if it goes through, then you’ll get the prompt to download the book like a new subscriber. 

If you get the warning, contact me off the website and I’ll send you the link to download.  ;) 

Now…back to the website and content.