Category: Writer Mom

November 10, 2020

Nanowrimo: 16,946 / 80,000

Whew… didn’t make yesterday’s goal, but I made today’s. And I’m not upset. Mostly because I work a full time retail job and I’m also editing Book One. I’m off on Thursday so I plan on working on getting the cover reveal ready for Book One. I’ve had the cover for months…but my biggest deficit is time management. 

I’ve got a lot on the plate, including a house full of plumbing issues. Had a FANTASTIC master plumber come to the house last week to fix a problem with a cast iron P-trap. This dude is incredible. 

And yet…the water problems continue even as the writing and editing go on. Not to mention the RP site I’m trying to get going (basically free fiction in a gaming world) and making sure the most important bills get paid. 

November 7, 2020

Nanowrimo: 11,770 / 80,000

Better, but still working my time between plumbing, and book one. 

I can’t wait to get this house fixed and sell it. I totally want to sell it and MOVE. 

I did have a revelation on the inciting incident so I’ve got that outlined for tomorrow’s writing session. That and trying to get book one to that point. 

I might have over extended myself. 

November 6, 2020